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Love is Freedom: Metta as a Path to Liberation

Metta (loving-kindness) isn’t just a nice practice – it’s a powerful practice.

It can purify, protect, and expand our hearts, and it can open us into a direct experience of interdependence, healing liberating us from the suffering of the separate self.

The formal practice of Metta can open into a direct experience of anatta (not-self, interdependence) and in this way, we can also think of it as a pathway to liberating insight

In this Day of Practice with insight meditation teacher Kate Johnson, we will approach Metta as a portal to the liberated heart. Metta purifies and cultivates the heart in a way that makes the poisons of greed, hatred and delusion less able to take root. With Kate as our guide, we’ll learn how to tap into the dimensions of freedom that are available through love – including freedom from anxiety and resentment, and freedom to give and receive all the love that we need.

click here for more information and to register

October 2

Buddhist Wisdom for Life Summit

October 20

Wise Effort Together: A Virtual Gathering hosted by Dr. Diana Hill